What Does It Mean to Be Truly Global?

Having just given a presentation for the Women Presidents' Organization last week at McDonald's Hamburger University in Oakbrook, Illinois on "What It Means To Be Global," I was quite pleased to discover this newly published work featured below by one of my favorite authors:  C.K. Prahalad (may he rest in peace).

August 8 was C.K. Prahalad’s 70th birthday. To commemorate Prahalad’s work, strategy+business is pleased to publish an article that was in progress at the time of his death in April 2010. In it, he and his coauthor, Hrishi Bhattacharyya, explain why multinational business models are no longer relevant, and how skillful companies can integrate three strategies — customization, competencies, and arbitrage — into a better form of organization.
How to Be a Truly Global Company
by C. K. Prahalad and Hrishi Bhattacharyya

The problem is not globalization, but the way our current institutions are set up to respond to this new demand. The prevailing corporate operating model does not work well with the structural changes that have taken place in the global economy.
Definitely worth a read - several times over.

Past blog posts on CK:
Posted by:  The Global Small Business Blog